It was a warm couple of days at Delamere Forest in Cheshire, England. With the sun breaking through the clouds, the wind dropping and acres (and acres) of rocky and woodland terrain to play in – we got the cameras out, the drone up into the sky and put some Michelin soles through their paces.
Built for durability, traction and comfort, there was never any doubt they’d stand up to the task. An unrivalled passion for traction that goes back more than a century – not to mention all the experience and lessons learned along the way – has been channelled into creating this new breed of soles. Footwear technology that gets you places.
With innovation at the forefront of everything Michelin do, you can be sure to expect more.
You can be sure to endure more.
The one connection between you and your terrain. The tires to soles story has only just begun.
Check out the video below…
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<p><a href=”″>Michelin Trainers US version</a> from <a href=””>WhiteNoise Media Ltd.</a> on <a href=””>Vimeo</a>.</p>